Title: The In Between Author: Olivia Pierce Genre: Young Adult Romance Published: November 2014 Medium Read In: E-book Pages: 313 Rating: 4.5 Why I Read It: A big thanks to NetGalley and Full Fathom Five publishing for allowing me to read this book in exchange for an honest review. Synopsis: Tara Jenkins and Justin Westcroft used to be childhood BFFs. Now in high school, Justin’s a popular, all-star athlete, and Tara spends her days admiring him from afar. But when Tara saves Justin from nearly drowning in a freak accident, he’s unable to get her out of his mind. In no time at all, Tara and Justin fall deeply in love. And even though it’s only high school, they seem destined for a Happily Ever After. Until tragedy strikes—and this time, Justin’s not so lucky. Tara passes through her days as a shell of her former self: Justin’s dead, but she can still feel his presence, and she can’t seem to let him go. But there’s a reason for that, and it’s not ...
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