Title: Moonlands
Author: Steven Savile
Genre: Fantasy
Publishing Date: April 15th, 2015
Publisher: BadPress
Medium Read In: Paperback
Pages: 484
Rating: 4
Why I Read It: I received a review copy from Netgalley.com in exchange for an honest review.
Synopsis: Ashley Hawthorne thinks of herself as the Cuckoo Girl. No matter where she is it feels like she doesn’t quite belong.
Everything changes when her eccentric aunt, Elspeth Grimm, leaves her the key to a safety deposit box in a bank that was destroyed during the Blitz. That box contains the first part of her true inheritance: an umbrella, a battered old notebook, a pair of aviator’s goggles and a locket. Each of these gifts is a unique part of who she really is.
Elspeth is a Grimm, a descendent of the brothers who purged this world of monsters by trapping them within the Concord. She is the Oracle. A keeper of all the knowledge we have amassed about the creatures of the Fae and other worlds. And someone intent on destroying the Concord has murdered her!
When Ashley looks through the goggles that night she sees curious creatures on the roof of the house across the street watching her. To the naked eye they look like crows but they are not. It is the first glimpse of the other place—the place where she will finally belong.
The journal is crammed full of things, but there’s no actual writing in it. Ash decides she’s going to use the book as a journal, and begins the first entry: My name is Ashley Hawthorne. The ink fades so she writes it again. My name is Ashley Hawthorne. Again the ink fades. She tries again and again until the ink scratches out an entirely different first line: That is not who you are!
Review: I loved this book! I enjoyed the premise of it and the ending! THE ENDING!!!!!! I was not expecting that plot twist ever! Ash was an ok character; I found her to be a bit of an annoying and whinny character. The only time I started to enjoy her was near the end of the book when she accepts what everyone around her had been telling her. I love the idea of the Moonlands very much with the seven moons and mythical creatures. That I liked a lot. I found certain parts of the book to be slow, but I really did enjoy this book.
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Moonlands-Steven-Savile-ebook/dp/B00TT7U3FC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1431122592&sr=1-1&keywords=moonlands
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Moonlands-Steven-Savile-ebook/dp/B00TT7U3FC/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1431122592&sr=1-1&keywords=moonlands
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