Title: Soul Crossed (Of Demons and Angels #1) Author: Lisa Gail Green Genre: Paranormal Publishing Date: February 25, 2015 Publisher: Full Fathom Five Digital Medium Read In: E-book Pages: 252 Rating: 4.5 Why I Read It: A big thanks to NetGalley and Full Fathom Five for allowing me to read a digital advance edition in exchange for an honest review. Synopsis: One Demon. One Angel. One Soul. Josh lived a reckless, selfish life, so upon his death, escaping the eternal torments of Hell by assuming the role of a powerful, soul-corrupting demon is an easy choice. His first soul assignment doesn't seem too hard: the mortal Camden is already obsessed with weapons, pain, and torture. If only Josh wasn't distracted by Cam's beautiful friend, Grace. Grace never expected to die violently at age sixteen, but now she’s an Angel, responsible for saving a soul. She can already see past...
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