Title: Oh. My. Gods. (Oh. My. Gods. # 1)
Author: Tera Lynn Childs
Genre: Fantasy/ Greek Mythology
Published: May 2008
Medium Read In: Hardcover
Pages: 272
Rating: 4
Summary: A modern girl's comedic odyssey in a school filled with the descendants of Greek gods.
When Phoebe's mom returns from Greece with a new husband and moves them to an island in the Aegean, Phoebe's plans for her senior year and track season are ancient history. Now she must attend the uber exclusive academy, where admission depends on pedigree, namely, ancestry from Zeus, Hera, and other Greek gods. That's right, they're real, not myth, and their teen descendants are like the classical heroes: supersmart and super beautiful with a few superpowers. And now they're on her track team! Armed only with her Nikes and the will to win, Phoebe races to find her place among the gods.
Review: This book was hilarious! I could not stop laughing. Phoebe's plight and how she deals with it all is crazy good. The surprise twist that Phoebe never knew about at the end of the book is to die for. The tricks and pranks her classmates pull on her can only be explain as mystical and magical. This book will have you laughing on the floor like crazy and wanting more. Tera Lynn Childs is a goddess with this book and you will love every second spent reading it.
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