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Cover Reveal: Forsworn: The Last Oracle Book II

Hey guys! So a while back ago, I was given a copy of Sacrificed: The Last Oracle Book I from NetGalley and as you guys know I absolutely loved it. I will link the review post here: In honor of that, I requested to be part of the cover reveal for book two. So are you ready to gaze upon the cover?




HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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About the Book
Forsworn: The Last Oracle Book II
Author: Emily Wibberley
Release Date: July 21st, 2015

Clio can see the future, but what she doesn’t know about her past could destroy her. 

It’s been a year since Clio made her sacrifice to the Deities and embraced her destiny as the Oracle to save her people.

The only family she has left is a brother who wants her dead.

The prince, her oldest friend, is a king with his own agenda.

And the man who once loved her, now hates her.

All she can do is try to forget about Riece, the enemy commander whose heart she broke to save his life, as she serves the Deities. Her days are filled with Visions and bloodshed in a never-ending war against the Untouched. To add to her problems, she must pose as King Derik’s mistress to conceal her forbidden powers from the Emperor’s spies.

When Riece unexpectedly returns to Sheehan with a new and beautiful ally, Clio knows she must put him out of her mind once and for all, but first, they are thrust together into battle against a mysterious Untouched warrior with otherworldly power. To reclaim her city, she must team up with the man she hurt, the man she still loves but can never be with, and finally confront the questions about her origin—questions with answers that Clio may not be prepared to face.

I definitely cannot wait for this book to come out! The first book was amazing and this seems like it is going to be even better! Now on to the buy links for Sacrificed and the Goodreads link for both books.

Goodreads for Sacrificed:
Book Depository:

Goodreads for Forsworn:

Here's an EXCERPT!!!!!!!!!

The hallways had never felt so small before, never so stifling. Clio could hardly catch her breath as she sped down the corridors toward Riece’s old chambers.
She needed to find out what the symbol meant. She had no choice but to go to Riece. She would just have to keep her feelings out of it.
Before she could argue herself out of her thin conclusions, she found herself standing at Riece’s door. She knocked once, quietly, almost hoping Riece wouldn’t hear, wouldn’t invite her in.
“Come in,” he said almost distractedly from within.
She stepped inside and found him seated on a small bench, sharpening the edge of a small dagger. His cloak lay folded at his side, and his chest was left bare except for the smudged lines of his warrior ink. Happily, there was no sign that the princess was around. Perhaps Clio had imagined everything between them.
“Of course. It’s you,” Riece said without glancing at her. “You changed your hair.” He put aside his dagger and looked up at her. “Black. It seems like every time I see you, it’s a different color. Fitting, I suppose. Goes with your capricious nature.”
“Capricious? That’s a pretty big word for you, Commander. You sure you know what it means?”
He laughed bitterly, and for some reason Clio felt the familiar itch in her skin that could only ever be soothed with a fight.
He was suddenly serious. “It means ever-changing. Isn’t that why you haven’t wed the king? Has he, too, grown tired of your fickle heart?” His eyes mirrored the hate in his tone.
He had never looked at her with such antipathy before, and Clio’s blood flooded her cheeks. “Of course not,” she snapped.
“No?” He rose and advanced toward her. “Then you’ve some other reason?”
He was far too close, and Clio was having trouble thinking straight.
“We’ve been at war, hardly the time for nuptials. And—” she stammered. This close, she could tell that Riece was much larger than he had been a year ago. The muscles in his shoulders shifted and bulged with the slightest movement of his neck.
“And?” he prompted.
“And someone had to defend this city after you took your army, to what? Rescue some princess?” She spat the words at him.
Riece’s eyes sparkled with silent laughter. “So that’s the reason for this delightful visit. You’re jealous. Well, you have no right to be.”
“I’m not jealous,” Clio protested.
“No? Because my remembering of this,” he gestured to the two of them, “was that you used me so you could get back to your beloved king. You made your true feelings perfectly clear.” His look had darkened, and his jaw tightened with restrained fury.
She would have preferred a slap to the way he was looking at her. “You’re right,” she admitted.
Riece’s gaze bored into her, but what he looked to find, she couldn’t say.
“Why are you really here, Clio?” he finally sighed, exasperated.
To tell you that I’ve dreamt about you every night for a year, she wanted to scream. “I need you to look at something.”
“Ordering me around so soon?” His lips quirked up in a grin that didn’t travel to his eyes.

Ahhhhhhhh! Doesn't this get you even more excited for Forsworn? I can't wait to find out what happens!

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Emily Wibberley grew up in the South Bay where she spent her formative years battling zombies on her Xbox, watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and voraciously reading everything from The Hunger Games to Jane Austen, where her love for feisty young heroines was born.
After graduating from Princeton University Magna Cum Laude in 2014, she began writing. Her debut novel, Sacrificed, was named a finalist in the Young Adult category of the 2015 Beverly Hills Book Awards, in the Young Author category of the 2015 Next Generation Indie Book Awards and in the 2015 International Book Awards. Since its release, Sacrificed has spent more than four months as a Kindle Top Ten Teen and Young Adult Bestseller.
When she isn't reading the latest YA book, she enjoys watching kick-butt action movies with her two rescue German Shepherds, Hudson and Bishop, named after characters from James Cameron's Aliens.| Website | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Instagram |

Now there's an extra that I would like to announce. It's GIVEAWAY time!!!!! One lucky winner will receive a SIGNED paperback of Scrificed!!!! This is a rafflecopter giveaway so if you wish to enter, fill out the form below. This giveaway is also INTERNATIONAL!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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So thank you for celebrating with me the cover reveal for Forsworn: The Last Oracle Book II! I hope you guys are just as excited as I am!


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