Title: The Heir and the Spare Author: Emily Albright Series: Untitled #1 Genre: Young Adult/New Adult Contemporary Romance Release Date: December 4th, 2015 Publisher: Merit Press Edition: Kindle E-book Pages: 288 Rating: 2 Stars Why I Read the Book: I'm in the mood for contemporaries lately and this was free in the Kindle store. Synopsis: Family can be complicated. Especially when skeletons from the past pop up unexpectedly. For American Evie Gray, finding out her deceased mother had a secret identity, and not one of the caped crusader variety, was quite the surprise. Evie’s mom had a secret life before she was even born, one that involved tiaras. In this modern day fairytale, Evie is on a path to figure out who her mom really was, while discovering for herself what the future will hold. Charged with her late mother’s letters, Evie embarks on a quest into her past. The first item on the list is to attend Oxford, her mom’s alma mater. There, Evie stumbles up...
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