Title: The Jewel (The Lone City #1) Author: Amy Ewing Genre: Dystopia Publishing Date: September 2, 2014 Publisher: HarperTeen Medium Read In: Hardcover Pages: 358 Rating: 4.5 Why I Read It: I wanted to see why there was so much talk about this book. Synopsis: The Jewel means wealth. The Jewel means beauty. The Jewel means royalty. But for girls like Violet, the Jewel means servitude. Not just any kind of servitude. Violet, born and raised in the Marsh, has been trained as a surrogate for the royalty—because in the Jewel the only thing more important than opulence is offspring. Purchased at the surrogacy auction by the Duchess of the Lake and greeted with a slap to the face, Violet (now known only as #197) quickly learns of the brutal truths that lie beneath the Jewel’s glittering facade: the cruelty, backstabbing, and hidden violence that have become the royal way of life. Violet must accept the ugly realities of her existence... and try to st...
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