Title: A Great and Terrible Beauty (Gemma Doyle #1) Author: Libba Bray Genre: Fantasy/ Historical Fiction/ Paranormal Published: December 2003 Medium Read In: Paperback Pages: 403 Rating: 4.5 Why I Read It: I have an unholy routine of getting books whose titles seem to pop out at me. I saw this in the library and grabbed it. Summary: A Victorian boarding school story, a Gothic mansion mystery, a gossipy romp about a clique of girlfriends, and a dark other-worldly fantasy--jumble them all together and you have this complicated and unusual first novel Sixteen-year-old Gemma has had an unconventional upbringing in India, until the day she foresees her mother's death in a black, swirling vision that turns out to be true. Sent back to England, she is enrolled at Spence, a girls' academy with a mysterious burned-out East Wing. There Gemma is snubbed by powerful Felicity, beautiful Pippa, and even her own dumpy roommate Ann, until she blackmails herself and...
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